Easily the funniest game of the jam. I really like comedy where the humor is original and not references to other things, or about easy comedy topics. You have a very good sense of setup and punchline as well.
As a small critique, even though you're clearly a good writer in terms of the scenes and dialogue, the lack of punctuation and some spelling errors "practicly" did diminish the polish of it a bit. maybe it was on purpose to go with the laid-back style, but seeing 99% of the games in this jam, as well as many of the games i see online, have pretty egregious errors like that, i decided to point it out.
But considering that your writing was more enjoyable than Neo Fantasian Dimension or whatever, which I'm current playing, you clearly have some talent there.
And obviously, while the scenario itself is fun, not a lot of gameplay here, so more of a narrative than anything else. If you could make a proper RPG of a somewhat normal length with this level of humor all the way through, and some solid characters, you might find yourself in Undertale level of success land, as that's what most people liked it about it, was the characters and humor. I think.
Also, I chose Ultimate Power. Friends can always disappoint you, but being able to summon a meteor to destroy the planet never will.