Well I completed the ending and it was fun. I come here again with a few opinions to share.
During chapter 4 and 5, having a skill or item which teleports you to the teleportation room would be much appreciated. There are many places where going back takes a lot of time and had made going there feel like a chore.
Having a shortcut key to the save screen would be nice too.
It would be nice if the status screen told you what ailments the character is suffering instead of just showing an icon. I remember being very confused during my first playthrough.
Since you are adding new custom sprites and animations, I would also suggest improving the battle screen if possible. One feature I would like is being able to see all status effects a combatant is effected with. Now I won't tell you whether showing enemy stats and weaknesses would be good or not.
Also I can't wait to see the final version of this game and compare it to the first version I played.