Rolling the dice comes from the entire story's worldview! "A small action can lead to huge changes," and it's really interesting to explore, allowing for bold imagination of all sorts of incredible possibilities.
In fact, the side characters (mainly the resistance!), the worldview, and the dice system were all thought of before this work was created. The game originally started as a simple 300-word short story. I spent ten days writing the first draft, three chapters a day, and incorporating those small ideas that came to mind during the writing process. It eventually grew from 300 words to 87,000 words, which is incredible even to me!!
This is also the only story I've actually finished writing, and it really makes me proud, so I invested a lot of time into it. At first, it was almost ignored, but surprisingly, it received a lot of kind support during its development. I'm really glad I took that first step and stuck with it TT.
I really love your comments^^ Every word makes me smile! I'm used to the romance getting more attention, while the "mystery" part gets comments like "boring," "confusing," and "sort of forgot about it"... It's great to know that someone cares about what happens next!! It makes me feel like all this effort is really meaningful! Thank you so much for taking the time to write down your thoughts, Inui_lmao-chan! This is really special!!(〃'▽'〃)