Hi redej0,
It should be used with the Draw_VL_Mode BIOS function. Some of the others do not support the format that allows moves when drawing.
See : https://www.playvectrex.com/designit/chrissalo/draw_vl_mode.htm
Here's a little code snippet as an example :
;set vector bit pattern for drawing - $FF = complete line
sta Vec_Pattern
;set beam intensity
JSR Intensity_7F
;set scale factor for move
LDA #127
STA VIA_t1_cnt_lo
;reset beam to 0,0
JSR Reset0Ref
;set object pos
LDD #0
JSR Moveto_d
;draw vector list
ldx #oModel_0
JSR Draw_VL_mode
Hope that helps! Also, you should upgrade to v0.13 if you are still using v0.13 as it contains a bug fix.