Your review:
GDD seems good, but I would recommend to update the theme intepretation on the first page under concept to reflect of the current theme.
Since the game is made with LOVE2D; why not having a section expand on the game engine and explain why that specified engine. It can give some depth of the GDD and makes it stand out a little bit more.
I would also recommend to have images / gifs within the game mechanics section, so it gives more context for the mechanics.
One thing that I have noticed is that within the controls section, you mentioned that escape for menu in keyboard, but how would that work for gamepad?
Good to included game development timeline, so it showcases transparency of your work and it shows the game's state & progress of its development.
Good with the main menu. I like the animated clouds and fire which gives a calm vibe to it.
The game remind me a lot of icy tower and jump king vibes in a good way.
I think the game can improved by having a visualized direction (as in where the sword lands). That would be a good accessibility (which I also recommend to included a setting page for volume mixer and accessibilities in main menu than pause menu).
It would be nice if I made a wrong direction, I can swap to the other direction within the same spot. Kinda like "undo the direction".
Atm I had to pick a direction and stick with it, even when it is in wrong direction. (which I noticed in GDD that it was planned within extra time but didnt reach the deadline)
It would be nice to have an power indicator to understand the strength of the throw.
The art style is pixel art without it being odd or too "pixeled", nothing seems out of place, which is very good.
I think it could be fun if the sword could have power ups/upgrades.
one example the steel sends sword back in the same direction, but imagine if it could bounce of the steel in mirror-like way to climb the tower or flaming sword!
The gameplay feels fun, and I can see why gamepad would be good, but I can also see this as a mobile game. Overall, good job on making a game like this!
* Managed to get the sword out of bound in one of the corner in start of the level by throwing so hard at the wall.
* the text in pause menu is in another language while the rest of the game is in english.