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Animal Office was fun! I survived for as long as I could, which probably wasn't very long. I think I made it to level 6 or 7. The visuals were all cohesive and on theme for each other. The music was great! Even though it had a strong beat, it wasn't annoying to listen to, so that's great!
I wish the mechanics were a bit more like what you described in your GDD. I played for a few minutes and hit level 6 or 7, but never went to the next 'level' or got to upgrade anything. I like the abilities that were in there, though. The 'agile' projectile looked really cool and was quite useful.
The theme felt like a bit of a stretch to me. As there wasn't really a connection to 'you are the weapon' except the implicit story of 'fighting for your family through the week,' which didn't end up as an aspect of the final game, that I saw.
Your GDD is a little bit sparse, but it gets its point across. I wish there was a list of things you were going to complete for each feature, like a checklist, so as the judges we can see how far you got vs. how far we got simply because we're bad at the game.
Overall I really enjoyed what was in the game, I liked the music and the artwork the best. Awesome submission! Great work