i have a quick question for pomiart ok here it is you know when you masterbate and your a furry why is it a canine's cock even if your a bird or a horse or others its the same for the scalies even if your a kobold or dragon your cock is the same i also feel like a kobold's and a dragon's cock would be different i mean i can understand why you did it but its kinda weird when your character is a horse but when you click the masterbate option your cock is of a canine's not a equine's.
i do have a quick question will there be impreg in this game be it an event or a growth? also it would be cool to be able to grow claws and other things and make it so you do extra physical damage when you grow claws or make it so you could grow other things like more eyes or stuff and three will you add a yandere companion kinda like the bunny companion?