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(1 edit)

I dared to jump into the hole. I think personally that dodging the enemy attacks felt extremely unfair at times and quite finicky. But the graphics and audio were nice, although the audio did get a little repetitive after a while.

I got the final boss down to like 20% health, but After 20 attempts, still had not beaten it, it would get a hit in every time I crossed over to the other side of it once I hit the wall, and I couldn't hit it enough times using the only tactic I could find that left me not getting hit most the time before I took enough hits to die. I thought it was clever to have to go backwards on the last one, despite the signs showing the other direction.


Thank you for the comment! Looking back I think I made the final boss way to hard I should of let the attack be slow and the attack to not do a lot of damage. Also the invisible walls were a total mistake as when the player just hits the wall they do not understand why they cant get through and that made for poor level design. Thank you for the feedback it really helps me and thank you for playing my game :)