I returning to say this game is AWESOME!
Then I read some comments asking for more skills and abilities. After thinking about it, I feel mixed, but I also think more tricks and buffs would be good. I take on Nightmare mode for the challenge and rewards, but it's gotten to where the stats are impossible to beat, so it becomes a war of attrition where I hit and heal for a few minutes. I want to win with skills that cause ailments of all kinds, like inflicting a ailment that makes me stronger as the opponent gets weaker, or a buff that increases all my stats by 50%, or an ailment that I hit my opponent with that buffs my stats by 50% the opponent's total of their stats, or a skill that garuntees a one hit win against weaker opponents and another that always criticals the target. You try fighting every boss on that difficulty and tell me that those skills wouldn't be helpful.
Threshold, please give us a Mentor who grants these or other skills to us adventurers who prove worthy.
I need my fix of eroes so I can spend time with one of my favorite mimics.