The dynamic for Leire/Luca is first love. They’ve never been in love before, so their route is all about them realizing what they’re actually feeling. Up until this point in the story, they’ve been confusing those emotions with something else, which will be revealed later on ;)
For Albert/Lavina, it’s the classic best friends-to-lovers trope. Although Albert/Lavina has had a crush on the MC since the very beginning if you choose their route.
Rayco/Gara’s dynamic leans toward forbidden love between the protector and the protected, but with the added drama of the MC hurting them with every touch when they have the necklace on. And if that wasn’t enough, Rayco/Gara’s personal struggles are there too to complicate things further, lol.
Ada/Omar’s route actually depends on your choices at the end of Act 1. Originally, it was meant to be friends with benefits to lovers, but I wanted to give more flexibility since not everyone might want to hook up right away. So their dynamic in Act 2 changes based on what you decide. It can be friends with benefits to lovers, best friends to lovers, or unrequited (not really) love.
And finally, for our beloved villain Belicar/Nisa, their romance is pure tragic love between a hero and a villain. There are a lot of nuances here, but I can’t say much without massive spoilers, lol. I will say that their romance works very differently from the others, mainly because 1, they aren’t around the MC as much, and 2, ...more spoilers xD.
I must say that none of these dynamics will last for the entire story. There comes a point where the romance becomes official with everyone well before the main story ends, so these dynamics are mainly for the first 3-4 acts depending on the character. For Belicar/Nisa, it may last until Act 5, though.
Thanks for the comment, and I hope one of these dynamics is to your liking! And if not, you can always stay single and hook up with a mermaid/merman in Act 2 ;)