great game! i bought the deluxe version. refreshing mix of lewdness and horror and cool game idea!!
Here are some suggestions for things i noticed while playing though:
- the gallery should also somewhere display the word you typed to get the appearence shown
- typing words like "sex" within multiple-step-transformations resets the counter, this is VERY annoying if you have for example 3 total "tiers" of a transformation with 3 different sex scenes then you need to make her drink the beverage a total of 6 times instead of 3 because the counter of consumed drinks resets after a lewd scene (for example all the "boobs" transformations + sex scenes were a drag to go through)
- an option to turn off the music in the gallery and turn on the lewd sounds that play during a specific animation in-game would be great
- give the ESC, ENTER and SPACE buttons the functionality to proceed with the dialogue, offering her drinks, etc. or at least an option to click ANYWHERE to proceed. it gets annoying after a while to for example have to precisely click that little icon next to her speech bubble all the time and each time manually select "skip" when brewing beverages etc.
- animation for beverage brewing is waaay too long in general, please add an option in settings to just skip that automatically because with 550+ words in this game atm we will end up clicking "skip" at the very LEAST 550 times or wasting 5x550 = 2750 seconds which is more than 45 minutes of our life just watching that boring animation...
- am i imagining this or do some transformations just sneakily not work if she is not in human state? there will not be a warning or hint that you are missing her possibly transforming and since she doesnt transform every time when she drinks something the player wont even notice, which sucks. can you fix that or give a very quick way (none or very little animations and text) to turn her into human ("default") again? i know there is a button for a default drink already, animation and blabla is still pretty long though and i'd prefer to be able to use that for the "sex"/"aphrodisiac" drink instead ;)
edit: just found an example. doing "magnet" first wont progress "rain" afterwards for me. (i am on macOS)
- generally, more of the transformations should have lewd scenes available (ngl, i lowkey wanna fuck that clown :D), though that might be coming in further updates
- why is she almost never in the mood to give a hint? :D
- add some anal here and there please :D
Those are some suggestions you could look into if you like. Thanks and keep up the great work! :)
edit: sorry, itch screws up the formatting of the text horribly in some places and somehow i cant change/undo it