I'll try to answer some of this for you since Nosy is usually pretty focused right before an update release. He had to completely rework some systems in the 0.14.0 update because of the inconsistent aspects of the stats and such. Some of the updating of stats and such don't happen right away because the smart ring loses connection and has to reboot the connection so to speak. The connection gets more stable later on as Richard points out that the longer the nanobots are in the body the more stable. As far as stuff with the MC you might just take it as the MC is busy with Liz so not on his phone.
Exhibitionist sharespace does get a little more love in 0.14.0 as well. Nosy has said that he wants to implement a hint feature for the images to make it a little easier to know where you might have missed them. Update 0.15.0 is suppose to release in a couple days on the 21st on patreon so hopefully the free version on here will get an update for those who don't subscribe on patreon for latest uodate.