It's a solid base with decent controls, I just feel it's too reliant on random chance. When I win it's only because I got a good pattern, and when I lose it's only because I got an unfair or straight up unwinnable pattern.
In the first level, the tv making the whole screen white is good, but not being able to see the flower's projectiles makes it too easy to die to something you can't see. If you could see the flower projectiles, I think that part would be fine.
The second level is straight up unwinnable a lot of the time it feels, as there were situations where it took too long for another plate to come out so I would have nowhere to jump. If the plates came out a bit more frequently so there aren't as many large gaps it would probably be a lot better.
The quick restart and the fact you don't have to start completely over are great though. I didn't make past level 2 though, as I felt it would take to long to get good RNG to be able to win, and I found it less interesting than the first level.
If you tweak the randomness a bit this would be a solid game though.