It's quite an interesting game, the graphics are nice and consistent, the music fits very well, the game has good variety and interesting design.
However, I really disliked the way the shooting in this game.
When aiming, if I held the shooting button for too long, my character would do a melee attack, and it felt bald because to do a perfect shot I'd need to hold for exactly the right time, and if I accidentally take too long to release the button, I'll end up doing a melee attack having wasted time charging the shot for nothing.
Additionally, as I kept playing I got the feel that my character would interrupt charging a shot into a melee attack earlier and earlier during the charging process, to a point where I did not feel like I could rely on charging a shot anymore, and at some point the gun got stuck on the sprite where the blue shot is coming out of the gun, overall shooting felt very buggy and unpolished.