Ok, and what's the reason for the sex scenes? How, about what we can see, lone sex can relate to survive in a post apocaliptic world? If you have a good reason, explanation or excuse to add sex scenes and features to a zombie survival game, that's acceptable. But what's the meaning of "I want to make a sex game and I also want to make a survival game, why not doing both in one for no reason"? I'm really, really curious as for why this happened
I'm going to guess you have never been in a long term stressful situation.
If the Olympic village teaches you anything it's that people under high pressure are driven to relieve that pressure by fucking like rabbits.
Wars end up the same way. As soon as people have a moment of respite they will look for anything to stick their dick in.
if Cod and FIFA have a part of gameplay include the daily life of the soldier/athlete, then yeah, I would love to see them adding it into the game, cuz it does make sense, and if someone like you doesn't like it, just don't use it.
Messi wouldn't be fucking Neymar in the changing room, cuz they are not gay, but if they drive to a night club after the match, yh they should be banging a hot model.