Lots of really cool things going on here that make this stand out - the heist game mechanics that sit over the normal horror mechanics add an excellent layer of gameplay. I was surprised to see leaderboards for the points score! The directional audio and sound conveying the proximity of the enemy getting closer adds some great tension. And also! What works is that the stealth mechanics rely on the item acquisition, so the player is basically forced to choose whether to keep their high-value plunder or lose it to ward off the monster. All the elements here work really well in a way that implies good planning and design forethought. Well done!
For constructive feedback, things are looking really good, so I guess the next step is thinking about how good ideas like this can scale further. Maybe there's a role for a narrative element? Or maybe you can capitalise on the heist game mechanic and make a gameplay loop out of it that builds from job to job. Like a little roguelike if you will. I think there really are no shortage of possibilities with this sort of idea, it's pretty cool to see!