Completely stuck and can do nothing in the game please help! So I am on day 2 and the game took me to my room in the evening, But.... It won't let me sleep saying I'm not tired yet and it wont let leave the room to go anywhere saying I don't need to sneak around the house at night, and there is nothing else to select in the room but the bed so I can do absolutely nothing! Can't sleep and can't go anywhere in house so now what?? At a complete dead end and would really appreciate some help! Thanks all!
But I just started playing a day ago and downloaded the latest version, so I must have the latest version or? How can I make another save? Not sure where the saves are stored. Also if this was a bug of the older version how would I have that version if i downloaded a couple days ago? What version should I be running to avoid? The folder says 0.7.14r2-pc
Thanks much!