I remember when this even was on mobile version, early on. Good times, you'd better find them files! Lol. No,but really, thankfully you're back,and hopefully the files actually get found!
There's no shot I'm finding the old files at this point tbh. I just tried updating the engine I make the game on to make a new android port and it broke everything for a while. I'll get to making an android port for expanded again eventually (once I'm done developing the new VN), but it's being difficult right now. Sorry!
Yes! I actually managed to find a version of it that's been around which seems to not include viruses etc. since my antivirus hasn't found anything. Only problem, I can't send the thing here,and also, I'm a dumbass and don't know how to take the files (using ZArchiver) but I can provide the link and the game itself!
And that's the classic opening which we all know and love
Give me a moment!
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://workup... n
(Connect the {n} to the rest,and you've got the link!)