First off, that's a different art style
Second off, who's the artist, I might be blind because I didn't see no name
Thirdly, I've run multiple of the images through multiple Ai that exist to detect use of AI Image Generation to check for evidence of Ai usage, they've all came back overly positive
Fourth of all, there's already been people complaining about how obvious the art is made with Ai generation in another game made by TopHouse like the Hentai Dice one, which is a completely obvious one, I'm sorry but you're not convincing me there isn't Ai usage when literal Ai is saying there's Ai usage
Look, I don't want to be a hater, but these people are straight up lying to people, if they said it up front that they were using AI Image Generation, I wouldn't give a care, but they don't, they say they have an artist drawing this stuff, which is cap
Also before you repeat that drawing similar style, it is 1 TO 1 similarity in style