I understand the desire, but if I put together a step-by-step guide then I'll never learn where I've failed to adequately signpost in-game. Instead of getting targeted questions I'll be outsourcing what should be in the game into an external document, and all my future work will be made without the insights that having people ask me about accidentally-nebulous elements of this game would grant me. Help me out - where's the difficulty you're having?
Thank you for the answer! I've finally completed all the endings. I read some comments on the WG gaming forum, and after that, I could understand what to do to achieve different routes. The game is great, and I'll be waiting for future updates!
My problem was that I thought there were a lot of different ways to play. For example, you can let Trish go, but in the final days, you can start eating healthy. Or you can go to the gym and eat healthy every day except for the last part. But it turned out that the decision you made in the first week unlocks a certain path for you and locks others
I'm talking about the three main routes, not the additional endings. This is the only thing that confuses me and that I found strange