eww -10/10 delete ts rn
stfu negro
no offense my negro
mmeh u have unlimited passes, none taken
what abt meeee
I’m not racist but…. As I’m freinds with rabbs and maggot. I feel like we’ll get along juuuuust fine lol
first of all doesnt negro jst mean black in spanish
second i didnt mean to come off as racist
third maybe we can get along fine
It’s actually not just black when used in this context in Spanish. It’s racist when used like this. But, Ig you have the pass??
ye, gray has unlimited passes from me :3
I literally can’t even treat you with seriousness bruh. Guess you’re okay with that then!
lol wdym
‼️‼️ATTENTION‼️‼️gray is not racist
uhhuhyes mhm fax
Or r u ? 🤔
nah i love mossy (like a brother !!!!) and all them other blackies out there
ok my b
np my negro