I'm missing some pics the ones I'd really love some hints on are
L19, 20
M20, 68, 87
I've ran through a few times and I kinda gave up
65, 66, 67, 68 can all be obtained in either happy or ntr path. No ntrs options required.
When you give her pointers after her meeting pick "Go into salary and benefits" then when you get to the university options pick "You should join them" for 67 and 68. For 65 and 66 pick "show some skin" during pointers and then "That is actually making me hard" for the inner dialogue, finally choose "you should join them" once again.
L63 is the hardest to get. You have to pick all the ntrs options from shopping with Sam and the bar and L65 and L66 options for pointers and university. Then you'll get it after L66.
L19, L20, and m20 can be tricky. Only have her stay home sick the first day then hang out with her (sex or not). When you get an option to choose "warm and cozy" pick that for L19. You'll get L20 when she goes for drinks with Sam and M20 you'll get on one of the days for one of Matt's sharespace posts.
M68 you just missed with M67, you get them at the same time. M87 you probably missed as well, you get it the day they are leaving the campsite on happy path.