Rock Elemental Monster Sketches
I like to switch between working on different aspects of the game, so I took a little bit of time away from painting background for a cave level to sketch out some more monsters. I knew I wanted some more elemental monsters after working on the paper elementals, so this time we have some rock based ones:
The one on the left disguises itself as a stalactite and charges the player if he gets close enough( should be easy to incorporate that, I essentially already coded monsters to do something very similar).
My drawing program crashed in a new and exiting way just after I sketched out the bull looking guy in the middle and deleted a whole layer full of stuff, so I ended up redrawing it. Luckily I had a backup for most of it and I only lost that one sketch but now I’m paranoid.
The turtle has stone structures on it’s back similar to what I saw Carlsbad Caverns in USA. They have some really strange and cool rock formations, so I wanted to use something like that for a monster for a while. I should make a rock jellyfish, now that I think about it, those rocks already look like it.
And I wanted some sort of symbol to add to the slate guy on the right, so I ended up googling an alchemical symbol for Earth. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a symbol for Rock or such, but it’s close enough.