Thank you!
In all fairness, while having this bullet time is indeed enjoyable on itself, it can be also exploited with some weapons.
For example, Focused Fan actually has a very low delay between shots, so if you can click really fast, you can unleash an enormous barrage of bullets at the enemy, allowing you to quickly deal with a threat at close range. While I'm not sure if it can be exploited by users with some sort of "Turbo" functionality that could emulate a high amount of button presses within short time, "bullet time" certainly allows you to spam Focused Fan, letting you to deal with an enemy faster on a game timer than you'd usually do it. This behaviour can probably also be experienced with other weapons that have short delay between shots, so there might be a need for making a choice of either keeping this gimmick despite spam potential (obvious drawback is amount of energy you'll spend on such barrage without reneg since you're in mid-air), re-balancing weapons (adding extra delay to weapons that haven't had it before) or removing the gimmick. I wish there was more feedback on it, that would certainly make it a bit easier to consider how many people even use that trick and how useful they find it to be.