I was just going around itch bored and looking for something to play then found this something I never thought I'd enjoy so much until I finished chapter 2's story going through the story thinking it was just those grind affection and be done with the game until I go through the dark stuff getting worried about the choices I made the time I have left doing everything I wanna do before I make a mistake even though there's a save file I was Soo invested and reading every dialogue I see getting more attached to the characters
I'm enjoying this games story and what leads next, the cute moments we all have with rosette the little slice of life we will lead along with our greenhouse and the plants that will grow along with us as we progress through our story
Caffaholic though I'm a bit shy of what I want to say straight up but thank you for the story you are writing for us to read and that it's forever free i excitedly wait for it's next update