The light bending black-hole is pretttty noice design. However I do have a few comments over what can be improved-
1. The movement of ship can be better shown. Looks like you used cinemachine's camera, but the acceleration (/elasticity or whatever it is called) was set to slow. Hence the camera doesn't snap quickly to player, making it not snappy. And the BG stars should have more layers, the top most of which should move more to show the movement. I understand that far-away stars shouldn't move as much in parallax scrolling but something must be done. Maybe speedlines?
2. The shooting in this type of game should be mouse button held down, rather than tapping, because it feels like the kind of game where you are supposed to be constantly shooting, rather than periodically.
Other than that, it's a pretty nice game, The asteroid breaking is nice, the black hole distortion is pretty good, and theme is pretty apt.