Guys if this post gets 3 +votes I'll buy it
lmao i have 702k coins, ur defo a noob
What's ur highscore?
Mine 1.08m
1.56 mil
Noice my sister has 2.smth
id beat u then in my prime (2016)
lol my prime was 2023, when i still had no life
Ye I'm noob
wait people like actually unironically still play subway surfers with their own free will??
very rarely, like when i literally have nothing else to do
Me too
Why Not 3-?
I'll suggest not to buy it,buy a board which have swift drift (somthing like that I forget the name)
Smooth drift?
I have the jingle dingle
This one good I usually using this not this boat but this smooth drift
Is this good too?
And yeah try to get those star thingy 👍
meet me in my swordmasters ppl thing