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I think it's because I turned off Vsync by default, the game is highly optimized it runs on 2GB 32bit Computer and on mobile.

The internet spikes can be for Unity Analytics that I use to check what are the most entered areas and if the player collected whats items and playtime.

I also included Discord API to enable Rich presence but I assume I have done something wrong because a player reported that the game opens discord when opened.

I still need to implement some menus to people who test the game send the devlogs file to me in some way so I can check if there is something wrong.

Thanks for playing it, there is a lot of things to do, it's missing sound design, improvements and bug fixes, and I can barely know where to begin.

Your game is amazing I even recorded a video playing it, my computer could not handle the effects thought, maybe because the post processing, but I have a weak graphics card (Nvidia 750ti 1GB). I hope you continue developing your project, I want to make a post about my game on r/yumenikki but I think it need some improvements before I do it.