Glad it works now! the Nolf.exe just changes it from reading in a specific rez file. Nothing big, all behind the scenes.
I've made some base control changes to make the game play a bit more modern. These include scroll wheel being bound to weapon selection, and adding middle mouse button swap between zoom modes. So the first time you launch the game it resets the controls. Apologies!
Regarding the console coming up, you can rebind that to another key. It should be the last item on that custom controls list.
Regarding the scope it should be stretched to 4:3 (Like the base game) and then black bars should be added on each side. Let me know if it's being stretched way more than it should be.
Regarding the jukebox, it was mainly a way to actually listen to the music since DirectMusic is a rather old and deprecated feature of DirectX now. Re-working the jukebox to be a neat playlist would be a bunch of work, that I unfortunately don't have time for. But hopefully when a legal re-release happens some day in the future they can also release the soundtrack!
Regarding extra features, I've finished with this mod for the moment, and have moved over to NOLF 2 modernizer. Hopefully it works well enough for you to enjoy the game!