Amazing what level of polish you reached in just a week, while also engaging with the theme. Experiencing "noo I just barely messed up that jump, wait I can just rewind and try again" was really nice and made sure the theme was always present. I didn't get the plot's relevance for the theme, I guess I must've missed most of it as I ended up not finding anything new after a while of running around.
I found the sfx of the player landing a bit confusing, as it's very similar to the one they make when they get hurt. I'd suggest leaving it out altogether or replacing it with just louder footsteps instead, especially since it plays repeatedly when just jumping around the map. I also wish there'd be more reasons to use the rewind mechanic, maybe platforming sections where falling off kills the player instead of just bringing them back to street level, so that rewinding would be encouraged more.
Awesome game all around still, congrats!