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Nice mood in that dungeon! Overworld looked nice, too, and I liked the walking/running animation.

Dashing and striking with the sword felt very weak though. There also didn't seem to be any clear indicator whether I hit an enemy or not, no feedback at all. The same other way around - I got hit a few times even though it didn't look like it.

The game was also very easy. At first I found the best strategy to just circle around the enemies and stab them in the back, but later realized I didn't have to fight at all and just ran past them. The latter option was appreciated though, because the fighting had began to feel like grinding at that point.

Congrats on submitting the game even if you were in a hurry with the gameplay!


Thanks alot for the feedback. I wish I could say I didnt now many of the flaws but truthfully I just didnt care at 6am before the deadline. Gameplay wasnt really on the timetable :D