Also one more question, why does my game suddenly go into this super random state where everything just becomes one colour and everything freezes and no options are left. It's how I keep losing my progress.
Hm, that sounds like a frustrating bug! I have not seen that before. Could you please try opening the browser console (right click outside the game->Inspect Element->Console) and see whether there are any errors there and copy them to a new comment?
When does this error happen? Randomly or when you do something specific? (e.g. loading a save file)
You can also try Exporting your save regularly so you lose less progress as a band-aid solution, of course I'll try to solve the real problem too.
Content Security Policy: Directive 'frame-src' has been deprecated. Please use directive 'child-src' instead. (unknown)
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:40351
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An unknown error occured while processing decodeAudioData. index.html
TypeError: t is undefined
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EncodingError: The given encoding is not supported. (unknown)
NotSupportedError: Operation is not supported (unknown)
I feel like this happens a lot especially when I have gotten quite far in the game. This is usually common when I place buildings a bit too fast.
I wonder is its because of my computer.
Hey, I tried to create a fix for this, but I'm not sure whether it works as I don't get the issue myself. Let me know if you still encounter this!
Are you still running Windows XP by the way? I just looked at your screenshot a bit more closely. If you are, you should know that I can't really support that OS anymore, so there may be more problems like this (although I try to still make it work properly, of course). I would advise you to upgrade to a more modern OS if you can, also for security reasons.