Sorry about that, this was a timed competition and I...., I ran out of time, learning how to make a 3D is hard especially within a month. Needless to say a lot was left out due to the time constraint and it's not overly user friendly as a result.
Yea, no way out of the dice game unless you complete it make sure to talk to Borris to learn how to play, as for controls you're right i should have added a text or something to show what they were. For an update i'll def make a tutorial or something to help remedy that issue. But for a quick one month game dev comp i'm happy with how it came out. Just need to improve it now that the comp just ended yesterday/earlier today and I can finally take my time, breath and actually get a fully realized concept demo out, please be patient.
The controls are in the changelog, but Imma go add the controls to the desc now thanks for the input bud, :3
EDIT: Ok added the control scheme to the desc and here's a quick recap.
E: To interact with everything.
W, A, S, and D: for movements.
Esc: To go to main menu.
~: To toggle cheat console