i genuinely don't know what i could criticize about this LOL (you're way too good at this stuff nice i'm jealous)
except for the jittery bobbing animation for the collectables i talked about (which i mind less now) this is a huge upgrade over the original version, however i ran into a few noticeable bugs/oddities while playing
- the sensitivity option is completely broken; tried changing it and it made it super fast, the knob for it also seems to be really buggy and kept resetting itself when i reloaded the scene. not even setting my mouse speed to the lowest fixed this for me
the resolution options did this (my pc only goes up to 1920x1080 + it put the same one twice)
- pretty sure you know by now but theres an odd transparent line at the top right of the settings menu
- this has been an issue in some of your previous games too but the music tends to clip a lot, probably because of it being too loud when exported (this is pretty noticeable in the end screen song)
- extremely nit-picky, butsimilar to YBBR, there's a slight antialiasing near the corners and edges of things which is noticeable when looking at a zoomed in screeenshot (this is barely noticeable so you dont have to do anything about it lmao)
again this looks really good and a huge step up from the legacy edition. can't wait for the finished version!!!