oh, i found THE END! spoilers far below this useful navigation tip/dev suggestion
One comment/suggestion thing that took me way too long to do since I didn't see a reason to actually do immediately, is that if you follow @'s lead use a new command you learn partway through the game involving the words "IGNORANCE" "CONFUSION" etc... (or whatever you like, just use the command given in that page), you get arrows on the list pages to go between them rather than typing so much.
It might be nice if it automatically set the names as those on getting the relevant page? Or more strongly wording "Please do this to make navigation easier" in-game
A few THE END and a few spoily questions, probably unanswerable
To see THE END i think the trigger was
get all 58 scenes
properly name @
and then (rot13)
erivfvg unatzna
speculation below about further secrets involving that or just it in general
V'z unq vg nyernql svyyrq bhg "jebatyl" orsber fb v'z abg fher rknpgyl jung gevttrerq vg.
Nyfb V'z phevbhf vs V unqa'g svyyrq vg bhg naq svyyrq vg va jvgu gur ntrag'f anzr fvapr uvf svefg naq ynfg anzr zngpu gur ahzore bs oynaxf, naq gur ahzore bs thrffrf zngpu gur nzbhag bs yrggref va obgu pbzovarq vs fbzrguvat qvssrerag zvtug unir unccrarq. Gevrq cevingr jvaqbjvat n serfu fnir ohg whfg chggvat va gur yrggref gura qbrfa'g qb nalguvat qvssrerag sebz enaqbz yrggref jvgubhg gur bgure fprarf tbggra naq V qba'g srry yvxr glcvat rirelguvat onpx va.
general postgame speculation
The start text says that one person was identified, wonder who that is? I guess martha's family, Tony Dauer sr, and John's wife/kid might be able to somehow identify them? Though that seems like it would memetically erase them too, so that's interesting, though none of them seem to match up to the names in the final note file.
I'm also curious if John is supposed to have known Amelia as well, since he's a piano salesman in town, and/or how recently amelia was meme-urdered to the start of the story, if it was actually a long time ago or just confusion.