i had fun playing through this! love the art, it's cute, the character designs are fun and distinct.
took me about an hour and a half in total, i was quite stuck on finding the folks in the custodial cabinet for a while (i was sure they were in there but wasn't sure how to make progress in that direction). love the ending of the game too, quite fun!
i think a feature to consider would be a menu/view of which characters had which names. i eventually started to learn their names but sometimes when characters were telling me the gossip i had literally no idea who they were talking about.
i do think the controls could stand to be simplified slightly:
- pushing space and up seemed unnecessary to me, just one button seems sufficient. although, maybe there are times when there are multiple intractable objects so the distinction is necessary? maybe in that case just "up" by itself could be used to enter doors, etc? i remember there were a few times where it took me several tries to enter a door because i hit the keys in the wrong order.
- i kind of forgot that left shift existed for most of the game and sorta wanted to go faster. imo making players hold a button to go faster is annoying & bad for accessibility--i think you could consider simply increasing the base speed to the running speed and not having a button. or, if you like having the distinction, having it be a toggle (shift toggles from walking to running) or at least an option for a toggle would be nice. annnnd now as i go to check i realize there was a setting to always be running. that actually solves this problem lol. maybe just add a note about that in the description. (speaking of the options, i have no idea what "command remember" does...)
anyway these are just nitpicks, they didn't really impact my enjoyment of the game. good job!