You seem pretty down on yourself from a lot of the in-game text. I certainly understand getting burned out on a game jam – there’s a reason the only thing I did this year was help a friend with minor development on theirs, rather than develop something of my own. But, in my opinion, this is on the high end of structurally complete, playable games that has come out of this jam (or its prequels!): a Fetch Quests: The Game adventure game that gives enough hints in its dialogue and environment design to make its puzzles solvable without trivializing them. There are fundamentally good design and world-structure-based communication ideas here that many game designers miss. This is an effort to be proud of.
I certainly understand regret over not finishing graphical assets out more – there are obvious missed opportunities for cutscenes, inflation state, NPCs, etc. – but this jam has a lot more games with visual assets and no identifiable gameplay than games with a solid core of gameplay and adequate but incomplete graphics. This is genuinely one of the stronger results of the jam. I hope the experience of rating other games will help you appreciate the substantial merits of your own!