ngl I feel like Vale would hate Kojo's guts. idk why he just would. like he sees Kojo and is like "Oh my *bleeep*-ing god I HATE THAT LITTLE *BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEEEEEP*", but if Kojo talked to him he'd be like "Oh.... hey..... can you like *bleep* off, please? thank youu<33"
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but yeah if Vale had such an attitude ‘hey i hate you, can you go and fuck off, thanks love!! 😘😘’ towards Ko, he’d never step in a 100 metre radius of him. Kojo can’t be bothered if ppl hate him, cuz a lot of ppl already do at school. But ppl with a bitchy, regina george wannabe mentality/attitude make him want to throw himself in front of a truck or rip his ears off when they such as breathe in his direction lol (correct my if im wrong but that’s how Vale sounds to me.)
How unfortunate that they don’t like each other cuz i kind of like Vale’s design 🤞😞
See Vale is just so mean to ppl who he doesn't think would be nice and he thinks Kojo looks like the biggest asshole so unless he is forced to talk to Kojo he will be like "Ummm... hey.... KYS please and thank you<3!" but if they actually talked for like a minute he'd be jokingly bullying Kojo by saying "oh my god shut up you cunt<333" while giggling and blushing (Vale blushes whenever he says more than three words either out of embarrassment because he thinks talking is the most embarrassing thing ever or simply being a little homo)
He just has a wall built up that's around 39 kilometres tall and 12 meters thick and the only way to get him to let down his walls is to put him in a situation where he has to ignore the idea of them he made in his head and speak to them
OHHH . kojo might look scary but he’s really just a cutieful loser that loves to spend a lot of money on his friends 😕 i mean he DOES have a mean case of resting bitch face syndrome AND is always ‘tall’, (his final height is 6’5, which he is at age 17.)
if vale eventually gets over the image he made of ko in his head I think they’d be pretty good friends! 💗🫶🏽