Wow I have never had so much constructive feedback from a jam before. I very much appreciate it and you have all come up with some very good points to help me to make my game better.
The idea of making line logic puzzles came from binary placement grids which i have made many of. But using two rules rather the typical three makes it simpler to understand and solve these puzzles. I felt that grids would be too difficult or time consuming for blind player. So I made much of my book titled binary strips: 1000 puzzles by Kirk Clarke into digital form to allow greater accessibility.
There is a lot of comments about the controls, i don't think you can properly test this game with your eyes closed, my thinking about the controls was that blind players would use a special keyboard with braille and that selecting the cell by pressing a number would be quicker and easier for them. But after reading your comments I realize i probably should have had other options to select the cells such as with the arrow keys, and i do love the idea of pressing up or down to select a digit to insert rather than entering 1 or 0. I reserved those keys to display the digits at all times. Saying empty would definitely make more sense. The idea I like most was pressing a button to listen to the sequence in order so players can visualise it, I think that was a really awesome idea! But I want to thank everyone for their comments