First of all, all the art and GUI is fantastic!! And I freaking love how the logo has a BIG relevance in the story!! It's not many times that you see that in games!!
Then, let's talk about the characters!!
Tristan is such a himbo, and so sweet!! I love him and I HOPE we can rescue him in some endings. Poor guy doesn't deserve Darius' hatred T_T
Darius is a really interesting yandere!! I've always loved the concept of characters that have a paper bag or a mask on their face, and the fact that this one in particular is a yandere AND THE BAG IS NOT A RANDOM BAG makes it even better. I loved how his paper bag was so expressive and accompanied little icons with SFX to make Darius even more expressive!!
And last, but certainly not least, Sabrina!! I don't think I've seen many MCs in yandere games who were as kickass as Sabrina. SHE FUCKING ROCKS. And I'm completely convinced that she will definitely be able to kick Darius' balls in at least one of the endings xD
The writing is great, I really like how the choices influence not only the story but also how Darius behaves towards Sabrina! And the different POVs are very interesting because they let us be even closer to Darius' mind compared to what Sabrina is ACTUALLY thinking!
Finally, the end of the DEMO is a real treat with how the logo changes. It left me excited to see more!!
I can't wait for the full release, will definitely be buying!! <3
Great job!!