Sorry to hear about the life event. Whatever happened, I hope things are going as well as they can 🫂
Regardless, you have a VERY solid proof of concept here. As in, if this ever gets developed into a full game, I would like you to tell me about it because I would like to play it.
There's a remarkable amount of potential depth here. The lore, the character creator, the VERY fun three-tier loop you presented, are the makings of a genuinely excellent hypnosis game. In particular, the way the mechanics (would) tie into the kink are top-notch. Every part of the loop is both engaging and kinky, and the concept of being able to uncover the subject's deepest thoughts and influence them in whatever direction you desire is... very enticing.
In short -- I hope you're doing okay. If you are, and (much less importantly) if you choose to develop this concept, you have a very eager playtest batto right here ^w^
also the peacock god is hot
thank u for coming to my ted talk