Very nice. Good art, decent gameplay core, nice scenes. Could do with a bit more feedback on things taking damage and the like (everything currently feels very sort of floaty, not sure how else to describe it), and I'm not sure if I ran out of content or not (beat Ms. Fin twice), but from what I could tell it felt like I wasn't going to see much more but some more dialogue (which was nice, don't get me wrong, but I didn't feel like playing through the entire game again for a few more scenes).
I liked this a lot! On the more ambitious side of the jam entries I've played so far and there's absolutely potential here. I wish I was better able to articulate what about the gameplay felt a bit lacking. Faster being-hit animations might also help? I don't know, I'm basically spitballing here.
Edit: Thinking about it, I think that's why people think the hit detection is weird. It isn't, it's working fine, but the hit responses, without any sort of graphic effects or sound effects to confirm them, feel a lot more ambiguous. Yes, after you're familiar, you can tell the animation is playing and the healthbar went down, but it just lacks the oopmh I'd expect from a game like this. Ah well. That's jams for you!