Hi there sorry to pester but im curious how old is the character we play as? i remember in an earlier update they reffered to her as a child? is she an adult or is she a child?
Regardless of the player, most of the main characters are adults.
They're not really children, they're just called that because they're small ;)
by regardless of the player do you mean the player character is an adult or no?
like are ANY of the characters underaged at all? because i'd genuinely hope not. Is this like a mistranslation / miscommunication due to languages?
Sorry, there seems to have been a mistranslation.
What I wanted to say was that
There are no underage characters, including the player.
Everyone is an adult.
okay thank you! i figured that was the case and such considering you had mentioned having to use google translate thank you so much for confirming!