Thanks for your reply , i'm very new to uploading games on that's why i didn't know you have to wait till your game be ready to be indexed.
and thank you again i will tick that checkbox.
just one more question , does it work if i share the link of my game to others?
if i give them the link of my game on they'd be able to download my game , right?
Indexing or lack thereof does not affect promotion.
Unless you promote for people to search for your game or username instead of a link to your game.
you have to wait till your game be ready to be indexed
You don't. It was bad luck. Most games get indexed by automatic. Itch will not tell you why your game was picked for a random human inspection. But as it is with humans, all sorts of things can happen to cause a delay. My personal theory is, that they got hit by one desaster after the other without time for recovery. There were some bad ddos attacks in the past months, some server hickups and other things. Also it is winter and a lot of people are sick.
I see , it's understandable i guess. well i don't blame them for anything after all they are letting us to publish our games for free.
and my game was free as well anyway.
i just wanted to see how would the first experience of publishing game is like. though it was a bad luck but it was a good experience .
once again thank you for your amazing advice <3