Current Version: Alpha .07 I loved alot of the improvements you made to the game, and I especially loved the addition of dipping the heated weapons in water. However, I have two bugs. The first is that sometimes on random days, if fufill a request before time runs out, customers stop coming and I have to reset to get them to come back. However the second problem is much more important. Since the update, I have sold one weapon. I don't know if its because its running slowly on my computer or whatever, I cannot fufill requests for weapons. I always run out of time, but in the previous verison of .6, I never had any problems with time. I have yet to be able to make a single sale, and I always run out with just a second or two to spare, so my shop is currently full of weapons that other people have ordered in the hopes that someone will want the same type. I am close to going bankrupt.
EDIT: Not only that, but after turning the game back on after writing this post, I found out that all the weapons I had made before had completly fallen apart, and all the blade parts were in their heated forms.