What is it with the McLeod's and their generosity with free music?
Jokes aside, I am on an open beta stage with my game Recolonizer, which is set to release in a few months (aiming for mid-2025).
While I have some placeholder sounds and music, I would love to have a proper soundtrack that gives the game a bit of identity as I get to the final stages of polish, maybe even make this soundtrack change with the level state, depending on how much time / budget we can allocate. But I'd go with a simple loop in the meantime to reduce the workload.
For now, I definitely need:
- Theme song for main menu
- Pause song
- UI element sound effects
- 3-5 Level soundtracks (Thematic, so I can repeat them in levels with a similar vibe)
- In the game you defend against invading empires, so I think each empire should have its own soundtrack
The game is currently not funded, but I can pay you depending on what you want to negotiate.
Plus the graphics are a bit low-poly stylized, so I hope they align with your preference somewhat.
If you're interested in collaborating, hit me up contact@forloopcowboy.com