Wow you must be super mature! A person on the internet is throwing a hissy fit, oh my word whatever are we gonna do?! Yeesh mate, considering all things in life, it's not that serious. So control your emotions and don't act like a cancerous little twat.
You're projecting hard. Being mature is keeping your emotions in check enough to not ad hom some random guy on the internet you disagree with.
If you wish to believe the dev's excuse, that's up to you, but not everyone does, as it's not the first time he's provided an excuse for his slow-roll. You know, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" applies here. But, alas, you have no shame, only an emotion-fueled rant that demonstrates how triggered you are. Harden up, princess.
digi b going MIA is typical of indie VN devs. As soon as they make enough money they offer excuse after excuse as to why development has come to a crawl or ceased entirely. The grift works even better when the naive don't see it for what it is and continue to support the grift.