SUCH A GOOD GAME!!!! I love it!!! That giant sword is so cool. I felt like berserk when swinging it. I also absolutely loved the disappearing boxes puzzle mechanic. Really good job on designing them. Geting to the right answer was super satisfying. I managed to solve almost every single one, I only didn't do monuments puzzle.
My only notes are that I wish that you would explanin how to get new levels a little bit better. At first I didnt know that i need to solve puzzles in different areas to get to stars and i spent almost 5 minutes on killing mobs and wondering why isn't there any xp bar XDD Other than that you could leave the doors open when the puzzle is solved. That way i wouldn't have to solve it a second time when i wanted to go back.
Anyways, very good job!!! I was exploring the map for almost an hour i think and i had a lot of fun :DD
PS: I noticed that the vibe of the game was very simillar to Animal Well, did you take any inspiration from that game? If not you should definitively try it.