Hi. Can you specify what's the main issue? When the character wakes up, there is a text in the upper left corner saying "Explore The Island", you should do that. There are notes you must read and then follow the basic instructions that pop-up in the upper left corner.
yes and after reading the notes it still said “explore the island” I read the one under the umbrella, the one by the logs, firepit and crates. Was there another one I was missing?
If it says "Explore The Island" than yes, you did miss the note right in front of the character when they wake up, once the ship disappears. There are supposed to be 5 notes - near the character, under parasol, by the crates, by the firepit and by the wood logs.
Oh no, it's my fault, because I made the notes the same color as the sand so. Sadly I wasn't able to fix it, so, the final result is terrible. But at least the menu works. Thank you so much for your time and supporting my game!