Pretty nice. Some thoughts:
- I didn’t figure what Human’s strength is, but I felt the game was quite unplayable without the Fairy’s two Actions per turn.
- The locations are so predictable in what enemies you get, that like half of the game comes down to it. Just one example, flipping the medium monster card for goblins to reveal a healer that can totally be ignored while it’s alone. Once you know this, your sequencing becomes a lot different / more efficient. I feel this is so decisive and so nonrandom that it might be better to just reveal the choices upfront instead of flipping them. A twist could be that those choices which are randomized reroll their outcome every turn they’re not selected. –– Or at least show the *possible* outcomes on mousing over the hidden card. Idk, it all sounds a bit boring I admit. Maybe you just need more variable outcomes for all encounter cards. Or maybe all is fine, as the game otherwise doesn’t have much variety or new things to learn, so it must come down to each zone being a different metagame to learn.
- As can be seen often in the video, mouseover is bugged when holding a lot of cards. Also I got enough screen space, wouldn’t mind if the hand stretched out further in those situations.
- Going Glove -> Glove -> Payoff still only gave me 2x, not 4x. Criminal.
- Clicking "Play all Exploration" is annoying and I misclicked at least once. I feel these cards should just automatically turn in at the end of the round, also maybe just stack them up already next to hand, so there is a better overview of your situation.
I did play a few rounds of Dominion years ago, so I was somewhat familiar with this concept. But in my recollection Dominion did flow a bit better than your game, though yours is not bad. I think the assortment of cards you can buy is getting more or less randomized? This was frustrating, as a couple cards feel essential in getting the ball rolling, while many other cards feel like they just make the deck worse if bought too early.
But in general the balance was interesting. Pack was to my mind absolutely the strongest card, but on the other hand I felt that in the Goblin areas only the Fighter could really hope to plow through the wide enemy hordes. It’s maybe unfortunate that defeating the boss doesn’t win the game immediately (contrary to what the game page says).